What We do

Programs and packages have been designed, developed and proven to create more money, more time and greater equity returns for our clients. These programs address the common issues that sit in the business community and are delivered one-on-one through executive and leadership support or through projects with defined targets and outcomes.

  • To help you innovate your product offering and open to more profitable opportunities
  • To build solid channels to market that deliver pre-qualified, pre-sold leads to your door
  • To work with you to ensure you are delivering against your brand promise
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Efficiency Management

We provide a tailored consulting solution specifically designed to your needs, and addresses the capacity and capability of your organisation & team, to produce robust rapid growth solutions in onshore & offshore marketing.

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About WhiteCorp International

WCI provides project based consultancy centred on the development of onshore and offshore solutions modelling. Through a network of offshore connections, WCI can facilitate solutions in

  • Manufacturing through JV’s or fully owned facilities in China, Vietnam, Lao, Cambodia and Malaysia.
  • Access to products across a range of industries including technology, agri, IT solutions, garment design & manufacture, footwear, dairy and meat products.
  • Service sector development across the Asia Pacific Rim, including training, professional services, engineering, water projects, philanthropy & medicine, as well as emergency services.
  • Staffing Solutions for back office and live contact regimes from The Philippines, China, Vietnam, Malaysia & India.

As an integral factor in the development of offshore capacity, WCI provides an onshore service assisting with the robust development of frameworks within your company, to mitigate and reduce risk, when considering offshore expansion.

Some of the major benefits of WCI’s services are:

  • Cultural understanding & inclusion
    The biggest barrier to offshore expansion, especially into Asian countries, is Cultural Risk. (ABIS report 2014).
    WCI’s has a number of in country partners & consultants who are drawn from the local executive community. As a result we are able to utilise local cultural knowledge, coupled with Australian based professional advice, to provide a smooth transition onto the local business & community custom.
  • Regulation & Compliance
    WCI works with a number of international service sector firms to assist in the development of a thorough understanding of in-country legislation and entity compliance.